Here I was in my band Aircrew back in 1981. I’m wearing a checkered coat with long reddish hair. To the far right of the pic is Rob Ruzga (former bassist with Ted Nugent)

I was studying music in college during the day and playing nightclubs in the evening with my band. When this picture was taken I hadn’t turned 20 years old yet. I was 19 years old and living the dream. Had a meeting that year with the President of one of the biggest radio station conglomerates in Florida. They owned nearly every FM AOR station in the state. And they contracted me to play all of their live events. It was very, very cool and we traveled up and down the state playing for huge crowds. The following year they even had us playing a “Rock-N-Roll” cruise ship in the Carribean.
Sadly Rob Ruzga passed away years ago from liver failure. One of the very best bass players and one of the closest friends I had.